The platformer, on the other hand, progresses rather slow. I've just started implementing some kind of gravity to it, but it seems to be rather tricky from time to time. Hopefully it'll sort out in time. (Also, I suck at drawing so the game will most likely be hideous).
Oh, and just so that I don't forget, the code under is translated from Java example, that can be found here:
If you haven't tried to convert code from one language to another, you sure don't know what kind of pain it can be. Oh well.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class DungeonGenerator{
//defining maximum size of map:
//150 columns and 40 rows
int xMax;
int yMax;
//size of the map
int xSize;
int ySize;
//number of "objects" to generate on the map
int objects;
// defining the chance-% to generate either a room
// or a corridor on the map
int roomChance;
int corridorChance;
//our map will be stored into a vector
vector <int>dungeonMap;
//a list of tile type's we'll be using
static const int tileUnused;
static const int tileStoneFloor;
static const int tileStoneWall;
static const int tileCorridor;
static const int tileDoor;
static const int tileStairsUp;
static const int tileStairsDown;
static const int tileChest;
//misc. messages to print
string msgXSize;
string msgYSize;
string msgMaxObjects;
string msgNumObjects;
string msgHelp;
string msgDetailedHelp;
void setCell(int x, int y, int celltype);
int getCell(int x, int y);
int getRandomNumber(int min, int max);
bool makeCorridor (int x, int y, int length, int direction);
bool makeRoom (int x, int y, int xLength, int yLength, int direction);
void printDungeon();
bool createDungeon(int inx, int iny, int inobj);
//defining the static variables
const int DungeonGenerator::tileUnused = 0;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileStoneFloor = 1;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileStoneWall = 2;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileCorridor = 3;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileDoor = 4;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileStairsUp = 5;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileStairsDown = 6;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileChest = 7;
this->corridorChance = 25;
this->roomChance = 75;
this->objects = 0;
this->xSize = 0;
this->ySize = 0;
this->xMax = 150;
this->yMax = 40;
this->msgXSize = "X-size of dungeon: \t";
this->msgYSize = "Y-size of dungeon: \t";
this->msgMaxObjects = "Max # of objects: \t";
this->msgNumObjects = "# of objects made: \t";
this->msgHelp = "";
this->msgDetailedHelp = "";
dungeonMap.resize(xMax * yMax);
//setting a tile's type
void DungeonGenerator::setCell(int x, int y, int celltype){
dungeonMap[x + xSize * y] = celltype;
int DungeonGenerator::getCell(int x, int y){
return dungeonMap[x + xSize * y];
//here come's the RNG, Random Number God
//let's hope for the best!
int DungeonGenerator::getRandomNumber(int min, int max){
int n = max - min + 2;
int i = rand() % n;
if (i < 0)
i = -i;
return min + i;
bool DungeonGenerator::makeCorridor (int x, int y, int length, int direction){
//define the dimensions of the corridor
int len = getRandomNumber(2, length);
int floor = tileCorridor;
int dir = 0;
if (direction > 0 && direction < 4)
dir = direction;
int xTemp = 0;
int yTemp = 0;
case 0:
//check if there's enough space for the corridor
//start with checking it's not out of the boundaries
if (x < 0 || x > xSize)
return false;
else xTemp = x;
//same thing here, to make sure it won't go ootb
for (yTemp = y; yTemp > (y - len); yTemp --){
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false; //oh shoot, it was!
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (yTemp = y; yTemp > (y - len); yTemp --){
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 1:
if (y < 0 || y > ySize)
return false;
yTemp = y;
for (xTemp = x; xTemp < (x + len); xTemp++){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (xTemp = x; xTemp < (x + len); xTemp ++){
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 2:
if (x < 0 || x > xSize)
return false;
xTemp = x;
for (yTemp = y; yTemp < (y + len); yTemp ++){
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for(yTemp = y; yTemp < (y + len); yTemp ++){
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 3:
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
yTemp = y;
for (xTemp = x; xTemp > (x - len); xTemp--){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (xTemp = x; xTemp > (x - len); xTemp--){
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
//we made it!
return true;
bool DungeonGenerator::makeRoom(int x, int y, int xLength, int yLength, int direction){
//defining the dimensions of the room
//it should be at least 5x5
int xlen = getRandomNumber(5, xLength);
int ylen = getRandomNumber(5, yLength);
//the tile type it's going to be filled with
int floor = tileStoneFloor; //Stone Floor, obviously. Duh.
int wall = tileStoneWall; //and stone walls, surprise!
//choose the way it's pointing at
int dir = 0;
if (direction > 0 && direction < 4)
dir = direction;
switch (dir){
case 0:
//check if there's enough room left for it
for(int yTemp = y; yTemp > (y - ylen); yTemp --){
if(yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
for (int xTemp = (x - xlen/2); xTemp < (x + (xlen + 1) / 2); xTemp ++){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false; //no space left
//still alive, let us build a room!
for (int yTemp = y; yTemp > (y - ylen); yTemp --){
for (int xTemp = (x - xlen / 2); xTemp < (x + (xlen + 1) / 2); xTemp ++){
//let's begin from the walls
if (xTemp == (x - xlen/2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if (xTemp == (x + (xlen - 1) / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == y)
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y - ylen + 1))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
//and then fill with the floor
else setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 1:
for (int yTemp = (y - ylen / 2); yTemp < (y + (ylen + 1) / 2); yTemp++){
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
for (int xTemp = x; xTemp < (x + xlen); xTemp ++){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (int yTemp = (y - ylen / 2); yTemp < (y + (ylen + 1) / 2); yTemp++){
for (int xTemp = x; xTemp < (x + xlen); xTemp++){
if (xTemp == x)
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(xTemp == (x + xlen - 1))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y - ylen / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y + (ylen - 1) / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 2:
for (int yTemp = yTemp; yTemp < (y + ylen); yTemp++){
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
for (int xTemp = (x - xlen / 2); xTemp < (x + (xlen + 1) / 2); xTemp ++){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (int yTemp = y; yTemp < (y + ylen); yTemp++){
for (int xTemp = (x - xlen / 2); xTemp < (x + (xlen + 1) / 2); xTemp++){
if (xTemp == (x - xlen / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if (xTemp == (x + (xlen - 1) / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if (yTemp == y)
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y + ylen - 1))
setCell (xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 3:
for (int yTemp = (y - ylen / 2); yTemp < (y + (ylen + 1) / 2); yTemp++){
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
for (int xTemp = x; xTemp > (x - xlen); xTemp --){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (int yTemp = (y - ylen / 2); yTemp < (y + (ylen + 1) / 2); yTemp++){
for (int xTemp = x; xTemp > (x - xlen); xTemp --){
if (xTemp == x)
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(xTemp == (x - xlen + 1))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y - ylen / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y + (ylen - 1) / 2))
setCell (xTemp, yTemp, wall);
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
//all done, finally!
return true;
//for printing the dungeon for us to behold!
void DungeonGenerator::printDungeon(){
for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++){
switch(getCell(x, y)){
case tileUnused:
cout << " ";
case tileStoneWall:
cout << "#";
case tileStoneFloor:
cout << ".";
case tileCorridor:
cout << "_";
case tileDoor:
cout << "+";
case tileStairsUp:
cout << "<";
case tileStairsDown:
cout << ">";
case tileChest:
cout << "*";
if (xSize < xMax)
cout << endl;
//for actually creating the dungeon
bool DungeonGenerator::createDungeon(int inx, int iny, int inobj){
if (inobj < 1)
objects = 10;
else objects = inobj;
//adjust the size of the map
//if it's smaller or larger than the limits
if (inx < 3)
xSize = 3;
else if(inx > xMax)
xSize = xMax;
xSize = inx;
if (iny < 3)
ySize = 3;
else if(iny > yMax)
ySize = yMax;
ySize = iny;
cout << msgXSize << "" << xSize << endl;
cout << msgYSize << "" << ySize << endl;
cout << msgMaxObjects << "" << objects << endl;
//start with making the "standard stuff" on the map
for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++){
//ie, making the borders of unwalkable walls
if (y == 0)
setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
else if (y == ySize-1)
setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
else if (x == 0)
setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
else if (x == xSize-1)
setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
//and fill the rest with dirt
else setCell(x, y, tileUnused);
And now the code of the random-map-generation-algorithm begins!
//start with making a room in the middle, which we can start building upon
makeRoom(xSize/2, ySize/2, 8, 6, getRandomNumber(0,3));
//keep count of the number of "objects" we've made
int currentFeatures = 1; //+1 for the first room we just made
//then we sart the main loop
for (int countingTries = 0; countingTries < 1000; countingTries++){
//check if we've reached our quota
if (currentFeatures == objects)
//start with a random wall
int newX = 0;
int xMod = 0;
int newY = 0;
int yMod = 0;
int validTile = -1;
//1000 chances to find a suitable object (room or corridor)..
for (int testing = 0; testing < 1000; testing++){
newX = getRandomNumber(1, xSize-1);
newY = getRandomNumber(1, ySize-1);
validTile = -1;
if (getCell(newX, newY) == tileStoneWall || getCell(newX, newY) == tileCorridor){
//check if we can reach the place
if (getCell(newX, newY+1) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX, newY + 1) == tileCorridor){
validTile = 0;
xMod = 0;
yMod = -1;
else if (getCell(newX - 1, newY) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX - 1, newY) == tileCorridor){
validTile = 1;
xMod = +1;
yMod = 0;
else if (getCell(newX, newY - 1) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX, newY - 1) == tileCorridor){
validTile = 2;
xMod = 0;
yMod = +1;
else if (getCell(newX + 1, newY) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX + 1, newY) == tileCorridor){
validTile = 3;
xMod = -1;
yMod = 0;
//check that we haven't got another door nearby, so we won't get alot of openings besides
//each other
if (validTile > -1){
if (getCell(newX, newY + 1) == tileDoor) //north
validTile = -1;
else if (getCell(newX - 1, newY) == tileDoor)//east
validTile = -1;
else if (getCell(newX, newY - 1) == tileDoor)//south
validTile = -1;
else if (getCell(newX + 1, newY) == tileDoor)//west
validTile = -1;
//if we can, jump out of the loop and continue with the rest
if (validTile > -1)
if (validTile > -1){
//choose what to build now at our newly found place, and at what direction
int feature = getRandomNumber(0, 100);
if (feature <= roomChance){ //a new room
if (makeRoom((newX + xMod), (newY + yMod), 8, 6, validTile)){
currentFeatures++; //add to our quota
//then we mark the wall opening with a door
setCell(newX, newY, tileDoor);
//clean up infront of the door so we can reach it
setCell((newX + xMod), (newY + yMod), tileStoneFloor);
else if (feature >= roomChance){ //new corridor
if (makeCorridor((newX + xMod), (newY + yMod), 6, validTile)){
//same thing here, add to the quota and a door
setCell(newX, newY, tileDoor);
All done with the building, let's finish this one off
//sprinkle out the bonusstuff (stairs, chests etc.) over the map
int newX = 0;
int newY = 0;
int ways = 0; //from how many directions we can reach the random spot from
int state = 0; //the state the loop is in, start with the stairs
while (state != 10){
for (int testing = 0; testing < 1000; testing++){
newX = getRandomNumber(1, xSize - 1);
newY = getRandomNumber(1, ySize - 2); //cheap bugfix, pulls down newy to 0<y<24, from 0<y<25
ways = 4; //the lower the better
//check if we can reach the spot
if (getCell(newX, newY + 1) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX, newY + 1) == tileCorridor){
if (getCell(newX, newY + 1) != tileDoor)
if (getCell(newX - 1, newY) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX - 1, newY) == tileCorridor){
if (getCell(newX - 1, newY) != tileDoor)
if (getCell(newX, newY - 1) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX, newY - 1) == tileCorridor){
if (getCell(newX, newY - 1) != tileDoor)
if (getCell(newX + 1, newY) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX + 1, newY) == tileCorridor){
if (getCell(newX + 1, newY) != tileDoor)
if (state == 0){
if (ways == 0){
//we're in state 0, let's place a "upstairs" thing
setCell(newX, newY, tileStairsUp);
state = 1;
else if (state == 1){
if (ways == 0){
//state 1, place a "downstairs"
setCell(newX, newY, tileStairsDown);
state = 10;
//all done with the map generation, tell the user about it and finish
cout <<msgNumObjects << "" << currentFeatures << endl;
return true;
int main(){
//initial stuff used in making the map
int x = 80, y = 25, dungeon_objects = 20;
//create a new object of the "DungeonGenerator"-class
DungeonGenerator *generator = new DungeonGenerator();
if (generator->createDungeon(x, y, dungeon_objects))
Oh, and just so that I don't forget, the code under is translated from Java example, that can be found here:
If you haven't tried to convert code from one language to another, you sure don't know what kind of pain it can be. Oh well.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class DungeonGenerator{
//defining maximum size of map:
//150 columns and 40 rows
int xMax;
int yMax;
//size of the map
int xSize;
int ySize;
//number of "objects" to generate on the map
int objects;
// defining the chance-% to generate either a room
// or a corridor on the map
int roomChance;
int corridorChance;
//our map will be stored into a vector
vector <int>dungeonMap;
//a list of tile type's we'll be using
static const int tileUnused;
static const int tileStoneFloor;
static const int tileStoneWall;
static const int tileCorridor;
static const int tileDoor;
static const int tileStairsUp;
static const int tileStairsDown;
static const int tileChest;
//misc. messages to print
string msgXSize;
string msgYSize;
string msgMaxObjects;
string msgNumObjects;
string msgHelp;
string msgDetailedHelp;
void setCell(int x, int y, int celltype);
int getCell(int x, int y);
int getRandomNumber(int min, int max);
bool makeCorridor (int x, int y, int length, int direction);
bool makeRoom (int x, int y, int xLength, int yLength, int direction);
void printDungeon();
bool createDungeon(int inx, int iny, int inobj);
//defining the static variables
const int DungeonGenerator::tileUnused = 0;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileStoneFloor = 1;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileStoneWall = 2;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileCorridor = 3;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileDoor = 4;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileStairsUp = 5;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileStairsDown = 6;
const int DungeonGenerator::tileChest = 7;
this->corridorChance = 25;
this->roomChance = 75;
this->objects = 0;
this->xSize = 0;
this->ySize = 0;
this->xMax = 150;
this->yMax = 40;
this->msgXSize = "X-size of dungeon: \t";
this->msgYSize = "Y-size of dungeon: \t";
this->msgMaxObjects = "Max # of objects: \t";
this->msgNumObjects = "# of objects made: \t";
this->msgHelp = "";
this->msgDetailedHelp = "";
dungeonMap.resize(xMax * yMax);
//setting a tile's type
void DungeonGenerator::setCell(int x, int y, int celltype){
dungeonMap[x + xSize * y] = celltype;
int DungeonGenerator::getCell(int x, int y){
return dungeonMap[x + xSize * y];
//here come's the RNG, Random Number God
//let's hope for the best!
int DungeonGenerator::getRandomNumber(int min, int max){
int n = max - min + 2;
int i = rand() % n;
if (i < 0)
i = -i;
return min + i;
bool DungeonGenerator::makeCorridor (int x, int y, int length, int direction){
//define the dimensions of the corridor
int len = getRandomNumber(2, length);
int floor = tileCorridor;
int dir = 0;
if (direction > 0 && direction < 4)
dir = direction;
int xTemp = 0;
int yTemp = 0;
case 0:
//check if there's enough space for the corridor
//start with checking it's not out of the boundaries
if (x < 0 || x > xSize)
return false;
else xTemp = x;
//same thing here, to make sure it won't go ootb
for (yTemp = y; yTemp > (y - len); yTemp --){
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false; //oh shoot, it was!
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (yTemp = y; yTemp > (y - len); yTemp --){
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 1:
if (y < 0 || y > ySize)
return false;
yTemp = y;
for (xTemp = x; xTemp < (x + len); xTemp++){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (xTemp = x; xTemp < (x + len); xTemp ++){
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 2:
if (x < 0 || x > xSize)
return false;
xTemp = x;
for (yTemp = y; yTemp < (y + len); yTemp ++){
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for(yTemp = y; yTemp < (y + len); yTemp ++){
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 3:
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
yTemp = y;
for (xTemp = x; xTemp > (x - len); xTemp--){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (xTemp = x; xTemp > (x - len); xTemp--){
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
//we made it!
return true;
bool DungeonGenerator::makeRoom(int x, int y, int xLength, int yLength, int direction){
//defining the dimensions of the room
//it should be at least 5x5
int xlen = getRandomNumber(5, xLength);
int ylen = getRandomNumber(5, yLength);
//the tile type it's going to be filled with
int floor = tileStoneFloor; //Stone Floor, obviously. Duh.
int wall = tileStoneWall; //and stone walls, surprise!
//choose the way it's pointing at
int dir = 0;
if (direction > 0 && direction < 4)
dir = direction;
switch (dir){
case 0:
//check if there's enough room left for it
for(int yTemp = y; yTemp > (y - ylen); yTemp --){
if(yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
for (int xTemp = (x - xlen/2); xTemp < (x + (xlen + 1) / 2); xTemp ++){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false; //no space left
//still alive, let us build a room!
for (int yTemp = y; yTemp > (y - ylen); yTemp --){
for (int xTemp = (x - xlen / 2); xTemp < (x + (xlen + 1) / 2); xTemp ++){
//let's begin from the walls
if (xTemp == (x - xlen/2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if (xTemp == (x + (xlen - 1) / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == y)
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y - ylen + 1))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
//and then fill with the floor
else setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 1:
for (int yTemp = (y - ylen / 2); yTemp < (y + (ylen + 1) / 2); yTemp++){
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
for (int xTemp = x; xTemp < (x + xlen); xTemp ++){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (int yTemp = (y - ylen / 2); yTemp < (y + (ylen + 1) / 2); yTemp++){
for (int xTemp = x; xTemp < (x + xlen); xTemp++){
if (xTemp == x)
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(xTemp == (x + xlen - 1))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y - ylen / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y + (ylen - 1) / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 2:
for (int yTemp = yTemp; yTemp < (y + ylen); yTemp++){
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
for (int xTemp = (x - xlen / 2); xTemp < (x + (xlen + 1) / 2); xTemp ++){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (int yTemp = y; yTemp < (y + ylen); yTemp++){
for (int xTemp = (x - xlen / 2); xTemp < (x + (xlen + 1) / 2); xTemp++){
if (xTemp == (x - xlen / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if (xTemp == (x + (xlen - 1) / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if (yTemp == y)
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y + ylen - 1))
setCell (xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
case 3:
for (int yTemp = (y - ylen / 2); yTemp < (y + (ylen + 1) / 2); yTemp++){
if (yTemp < 0 || yTemp > ySize)
return false;
for (int xTemp = x; xTemp > (x - xlen); xTemp --){
if (xTemp < 0 || xTemp > xSize)
return false;
if (getCell(xTemp, yTemp) != tileUnused)
return false;
for (int yTemp = (y - ylen / 2); yTemp < (y + (ylen + 1) / 2); yTemp++){
for (int xTemp = x; xTemp > (x - xlen); xTemp --){
if (xTemp == x)
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(xTemp == (x - xlen + 1))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y - ylen / 2))
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, wall);
else if(yTemp == (y + (ylen - 1) / 2))
setCell (xTemp, yTemp, wall);
setCell(xTemp, yTemp, floor);
//all done, finally!
return true;
//for printing the dungeon for us to behold!
void DungeonGenerator::printDungeon(){
for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++){
switch(getCell(x, y)){
case tileUnused:
cout << " ";
case tileStoneWall:
cout << "#";
case tileStoneFloor:
cout << ".";
case tileCorridor:
cout << "_";
case tileDoor:
cout << "+";
case tileStairsUp:
cout << "<";
case tileStairsDown:
cout << ">";
case tileChest:
cout << "*";
if (xSize < xMax)
cout << endl;
//for actually creating the dungeon
bool DungeonGenerator::createDungeon(int inx, int iny, int inobj){
if (inobj < 1)
objects = 10;
else objects = inobj;
//adjust the size of the map
//if it's smaller or larger than the limits
if (inx < 3)
xSize = 3;
else if(inx > xMax)
xSize = xMax;
xSize = inx;
if (iny < 3)
ySize = 3;
else if(iny > yMax)
ySize = yMax;
ySize = iny;
cout << msgXSize << "" << xSize << endl;
cout << msgYSize << "" << ySize << endl;
cout << msgMaxObjects << "" << objects << endl;
//start with making the "standard stuff" on the map
for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++){
//ie, making the borders of unwalkable walls
if (y == 0)
setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
else if (y == ySize-1)
setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
else if (x == 0)
setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
else if (x == xSize-1)
setCell(x, y, tileStoneWall);
//and fill the rest with dirt
else setCell(x, y, tileUnused);
And now the code of the random-map-generation-algorithm begins!
//start with making a room in the middle, which we can start building upon
makeRoom(xSize/2, ySize/2, 8, 6, getRandomNumber(0,3));
//keep count of the number of "objects" we've made
int currentFeatures = 1; //+1 for the first room we just made
//then we sart the main loop
for (int countingTries = 0; countingTries < 1000; countingTries++){
//check if we've reached our quota
if (currentFeatures == objects)
//start with a random wall
int newX = 0;
int xMod = 0;
int newY = 0;
int yMod = 0;
int validTile = -1;
//1000 chances to find a suitable object (room or corridor)..
for (int testing = 0; testing < 1000; testing++){
newX = getRandomNumber(1, xSize-1);
newY = getRandomNumber(1, ySize-1);
validTile = -1;
if (getCell(newX, newY) == tileStoneWall || getCell(newX, newY) == tileCorridor){
//check if we can reach the place
if (getCell(newX, newY+1) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX, newY + 1) == tileCorridor){
validTile = 0;
xMod = 0;
yMod = -1;
else if (getCell(newX - 1, newY) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX - 1, newY) == tileCorridor){
validTile = 1;
xMod = +1;
yMod = 0;
else if (getCell(newX, newY - 1) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX, newY - 1) == tileCorridor){
validTile = 2;
xMod = 0;
yMod = +1;
else if (getCell(newX + 1, newY) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX + 1, newY) == tileCorridor){
validTile = 3;
xMod = -1;
yMod = 0;
//check that we haven't got another door nearby, so we won't get alot of openings besides
//each other
if (validTile > -1){
if (getCell(newX, newY + 1) == tileDoor) //north
validTile = -1;
else if (getCell(newX - 1, newY) == tileDoor)//east
validTile = -1;
else if (getCell(newX, newY - 1) == tileDoor)//south
validTile = -1;
else if (getCell(newX + 1, newY) == tileDoor)//west
validTile = -1;
//if we can, jump out of the loop and continue with the rest
if (validTile > -1)
if (validTile > -1){
//choose what to build now at our newly found place, and at what direction
int feature = getRandomNumber(0, 100);
if (feature <= roomChance){ //a new room
if (makeRoom((newX + xMod), (newY + yMod), 8, 6, validTile)){
currentFeatures++; //add to our quota
//then we mark the wall opening with a door
setCell(newX, newY, tileDoor);
//clean up infront of the door so we can reach it
setCell((newX + xMod), (newY + yMod), tileStoneFloor);
else if (feature >= roomChance){ //new corridor
if (makeCorridor((newX + xMod), (newY + yMod), 6, validTile)){
//same thing here, add to the quota and a door
setCell(newX, newY, tileDoor);
All done with the building, let's finish this one off
//sprinkle out the bonusstuff (stairs, chests etc.) over the map
int newX = 0;
int newY = 0;
int ways = 0; //from how many directions we can reach the random spot from
int state = 0; //the state the loop is in, start with the stairs
while (state != 10){
for (int testing = 0; testing < 1000; testing++){
newX = getRandomNumber(1, xSize - 1);
newY = getRandomNumber(1, ySize - 2); //cheap bugfix, pulls down newy to 0<y<24, from 0<y<25
ways = 4; //the lower the better
//check if we can reach the spot
if (getCell(newX, newY + 1) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX, newY + 1) == tileCorridor){
if (getCell(newX, newY + 1) != tileDoor)
if (getCell(newX - 1, newY) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX - 1, newY) == tileCorridor){
if (getCell(newX - 1, newY) != tileDoor)
if (getCell(newX, newY - 1) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX, newY - 1) == tileCorridor){
if (getCell(newX, newY - 1) != tileDoor)
if (getCell(newX + 1, newY) == tileStoneFloor || getCell(newX + 1, newY) == tileCorridor){
if (getCell(newX + 1, newY) != tileDoor)
if (state == 0){
if (ways == 0){
//we're in state 0, let's place a "upstairs" thing
setCell(newX, newY, tileStairsUp);
state = 1;
else if (state == 1){
if (ways == 0){
//state 1, place a "downstairs"
setCell(newX, newY, tileStairsDown);
state = 10;
//all done with the map generation, tell the user about it and finish
cout <<msgNumObjects << "" << currentFeatures << endl;
return true;
int main(){
//initial stuff used in making the map
int x = 80, y = 25, dungeon_objects = 20;
//create a new object of the "DungeonGenerator"-class
DungeonGenerator *generator = new DungeonGenerator();
if (generator->createDungeon(x, y, dungeon_objects))
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